w, space -> jump, a -> left, d -> right.
3 gravity grenades q-> left+up grenade e->right+up grenade
Hitting an enemy (robot, environment [lava]) will make you restart! There is a storm that slowly follows you. So you must go fast! :) . Try to reach the end of the stage (which is a flag). There are 7 levels (including a tutorial level) and once you beat a level you get a power up. Fire: Better gravity grenades, Up arrow: Better Jump, Shoe: Better Speed. There are also secret power ups hidden throughout the levels. Beat all the levels to win!
- Fixed issue with enemy flying
- Added bomber enemies to levels
- Made bomber enemies drop bombs when player gets close
- Display shows how many levels you have completed
- Added fake flag to level 4
- Added some music
- Added Caves with power ups inside
- Fixed and implemented gravity grenade with 3 uses
- Added more content to levels
- Added a 6th level
- Designed Ice part of map
- [in testing] enemy that follows player
- level completed works and displays
- Game slows down when the player dies
- Improved getting stuck on corners - still not perfect
- Started working on camera zoom based on player speed
- Created physics materials for types of ground
- Image showing level difficulty
- When lose hearts player actually dies
- Added boundary to level map
- Created house level on level map
- Created tutorial level
- Changed player jump (double jump/ fine-tuning)
- Updated level map with new levels
- [In testing] Designed more levels
- No longer auto-running
- [In testing]: Auto-running option
- Fixed Flag at end of level
- [In testing]: Gravity Grappling Hook
- Added Jump Powerup
- Escape to Menu
- Lava Damage works same way as enemies
- Health Displays
- Wall Damages player after a certain amount of time
- Edited enemy sprites and animations
- added new level map (can only play 1 level at the moment)
- [In testing]: Added grappling hook mechanic
- Locked Levels
- Screen Shake to Wall
- Fire Particle Effect
- Running Animation
- Redesigned Level 1
- Added Damaged Animation
- [In testing] We created 3 new enemies to be created in future levels
- Bomber: Drops Obstacles
- Bouncing enemy: jumps up and down
- Enemy that moves back and forth randomly
- Tilemap
- Multiple levels
- Auto-scrolling
- Improved Camera Movement
- Jump is not as floaty
- Added Falling deaths and lava
- Menu + Levels Screen
- Levels locked until beating previous level
- Basic platformer controls
- Camera which follows player
- Wall or cactus chases player
- Obstacles added
- Player resets when enemy hit (cactus)
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